Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Philosophy

There are many things that I believe to be true, one is that raw, living foods were designed to give us life. My convictions are strong, and I mean it when I say, "For Life". I believe that by embracing the "Raw" lifestyle we are that much closer to really living our lives as the Creator intended.

The wisdom of the ages tells us that we are always either moving away from or toward something. My goal is to move toward greater awareness of my choices regarding what I put into my body and how I live my life…

Our society is in paradox with so many health products, treatments and solutions, yet the result is all so often too little wellness. However, by getting back to the basics and taking back our lives, we can begin to make sense of it all in this seemingly, nonsensical world. My goal is to assist you in lifting that veil, allowing you to live your life as nature intended. Once your consciousness is raised by the truth, you can only move toward it-or by lack of action, go backwards-you cannot remain the same. With this knowledge you can become one of those individuals that can look both logically and intuitively at their basic natures for answers that lead them to radiant health and optimal living through fundamental food and lifestyle changes.

Very few studies have been done to corroborate the inherent truth that comes with living the raw foods lifestyle. Yet there are thousands of converts out there who have suffered various maladies and disease only to return to perfect health. Suffice it to say, look into your own heart-the truth will be there…and you quite possibly will be set free!

Raw Foods As the Creator Intended Designed by Mother Nature Available to Everyone!

In closing, I would like to wish you the very best of health and every success. May this information help you, dear reader, to achieve a state of health that you never thought possible. Knowing what I now know, I cannot over-emphasize the importance of a balanced lifestyle and the importance of using natural, unrefined foods.

Always bear in mind that when it comes to health, ignorance is never blissful - and it is usually costly and painful. I discovered for myself that all that goes under the name of science is not necessarily scientific, and that all that goes under the name of health-care will not necessarily care for your health. I have also discovered that professional opinion is very often divided on most matters. This means that the responsibility rests on us as lay persons to discover for ourselves what is truth.

As such, I suggest that you never stop reading, and that you never stop looking for the chain of logic that usually confirms truth - then `the truth shall set you free.' (John 8:32)
To All My Friends and AquaintancesPlease take care and God bless you.

[ cancer treatment ] [ BanishDiabetes ] [ secretsof living ]

[ stop heavy bleeding ] [ Nature’sMiracles ] [ Full Detox ]

[ Burn The Fat ] [ Learn Guitar in only 7 Days ]

[THE BIGGEST HEALTH TIP IS HERE! ]“It amazes me that most people’s lives seem to be getting dressed in the clothes that they buy for work, driving through morning traffic in a car they are still paying for in order to get to the job they need so they can pay for the clothes, pay for the car and pay for the home they leave empty all day in order to afford to live in it”… REALLY THINK ABOUT IT!

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