The importance of these essential nutrients has been proven by science and it is well known that they are required in the right amounts and combinations. The way they are naturally combined in apple cider vinegar allows the body to make full use of them.This is Just a Few of the Essential Substances in Apple Cider Vinegar:
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Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium, which is essential for life. It's needed for the transfer of nutrients to the cells and for the removal of waste and toxic substances. It regulates the fluid in the cells acting as a counterpart to sodium and draws out excess water. This also removes excess sodium from the cells and has a normalising effect on blood pressure. A diet deficient in potassium can cause the skin to become weak and wrinkled, flabby muscles, exhaustion, poor memory & heart problems
Important for the bones and for preventing osteoporosis. Apple cider vinegar is not only a good supply of calcium it also improves the absorption of calcium from food or other supplements.
Now proven to be effective in removing cholesterol from the blood vessel walls
Beta carotene
An antioxidant, known to fight the damaging effects of free radicals and slows down the ageing process.
Malic acid and citric acid are important in the metabolic cycle and in removing toxic substances that cause painful joints and muscular pain
Often caused by a build up of uric acid which forms painful deposits in and around the joints.
Malic acid in apple cider vinegar has the ability to dissolve these deposits allowing them to be gently flushed from the body. This can be a fairly slow process, however many people gain relief from arthritis pain by taking this apple cider vinegar and honey tonic regularly
Weight Control
When the metabolic process is improved the body uses more energy from food even when resting and less is stored as fat.
Apple cider vinegar speeds up metabolism especially when taken regularly before meals and if used in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program it can be a powerful aid in keeping your weight under control. Many people follow the apple cider vinegar diet.
Recent research at Shizuka University in Japan has proven that apple cider vinegar helps to maintain good health and slow down ageing.Free radicals caused by pollutants in the air we breath are a major cause of tissue ageing This research shows they are destroyed by the antioxidants present in apple cider vinegar.
The same research shows that the apple cider vinegar helps to break down cholesterol formations that have built up on the walls of blood vessel Research in Austria also shows that apple pectin is important in reducing cholesterol build up.
Digestive Cleansing
Something that is now considered very important for a healthy life. An over growth of putrefactive bacteria can cause a steady flow of toxins into the blood stream resulting in your feeling tired and sluggish. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of apple cider vinegar and manuka honey cleanse the system and the acids provide the right environment for the normal bacteria to flourish resulting in a feeling of general well being.
Muscular Aches & Pains
Aches and pains, associated with ageing are often the result of uric acid deposits between the muscle fibres, After taking apple cider vinegar and honey they can simply disappear. This is due to the same action of the acids in apple cider vinegar that assists in easing arthritis pain.
Apple Cider Vinegar & honey improves the natural biological processes and in doing so assists in easing or preventing many disorders
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[THE BIGGEST HEALTH TIP IS HERE! ]“It amazes me that most people’s lives seem to be getting dressed in the clothes that they buy for work, driving through morning traffic in a car they are still paying for in order to get to the job they need so they can pay for the clothes, pay for the car and pay for the home they leave empty all day in order to afford to live in it”… REALLY THINK ABOUT IT!
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