Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Wherever flaxseed becomes a regular food item among the people, there will be better health. Mahatma Gandhi Flaxseed is one-third oil, the remainder consisting of fiber, protein and mucilage. In our salad dressing section, we have looked at the magical oil that comes from flax.

Flax oil, when extracted with care, is one of the greatest sources of essential fatty acids. The protein in flaxseeds is easily digested and contains all the amino acids needed for building a strong body. The fiber in flax acts as a broom sweeping the colon of toxic material, metabolic waste and dried mucus. Flax fiber is an excellent food for friendly bacteria in the intestine, which keeps disease-causing organisms in check.

Twelve percent of flaxseeds are mucilage, which makes it a gentle, non-irritating, natural laxative. Flax mucilage is perfect for those who have a sensitive stomach, acting as a buffer for excess stomach acids, soothing ulcers or irritable bowel disorders. Flax expands 20 times in volume and should be taken with a generous amount of water.

Flaxseed slowly releases its mucilage through the fiber wall. After half an hour of soaking the little seeds, slippery mucilage forms. The flaxseeds act as a tiny mucilage release capsule. This release continues, changing the water to a slippery consistency similar to light oil. Flaxseed is God’s gift for a toxic colon! It lubricates and absorbs toxins perfectly.

Flax mucilage helps to prevent toxic build-up in the bowel during fasting or a healing diet.

When juice fasting, take a teaspoon of whole flax, 2-3 times per day, with a generous supply of water. Do not chew the seeds; swallow them whole with a glass of water. This will allow only the mucilage to escape. The flaxseed will pass out of the system without releasing any of its oil. Even though the oil is highly nutritious, it can hinder the deep cleansing process that is desirable during juice fasting.

If you are on a cleansing, raw-food diet, follow the same instructions but chew the seeds, allowing the essential oils to release. Chewing will not hinder the slow release of the mucilage.
Flaxseed contains lignans that have anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti- cancer properties.

Flaxseeds have the richest source of lignans, 100 times more than the next best source, wheat bran. The majority of lignans is found in the seed, giving it an advantage over flax oil. Flaxseed also contains lecithin, which emulsifies fat and cholesterol.

These little seeds improve digestion, help stabilize blood glucose levels, fight tumor formation and enhance cardiovascular health. Never purchase pre-made, ground flax. Grind your own flax seeds fresh in a coffee grinder and eat immediately.

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[THE BIGGEST HEALTH TIP IS HERE! ]“It amazes me that most people’s lives seem to be getting dressed in the clothes that they buy for work, driving through morning traffic in a car they are still paying for in order to get to the job they need so they can pay for the clothes, pay for the car and pay for the home they leave empty all day in order to afford to live in it”… REALLY THINK ABOUT IT!

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