A Healthy Body
Before we can explain how is created in the intestines and the ramifications of its various forms, it is important to understand the fundamental physiological digestive processes. This chapter is designed to do this.
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The following experience may not compare to trekking in Nepal or the North Cascades, but it can prove infinitely more rewarding for your health. What I hope you will gain from this is the scientific understanding of how your body works and what happens to cause it to malfunction.
Through the vehicle of imagination, enter now with me the world of the digestive tract's environment. Step out of your body and into another one all prepared for you. This new body has a protective coating which will guard it from all the enzymes, antibodies, acids and other chemicals that could dissolve or digest a normal particle.
We will carry with us various measuring instruments so that we can measure the voltage, acids, alkalinity, and other activities of chemistry and physiology. We will trek through two different bodies, the first one a healthy body and the second an average body. We will interview those in charge of each section.
Exploring the Mouth
Are you ready? Here we go. First stop is in the mouth, and look, there's the mouth manager. Let's see what he has to say. "Hello, Mr. Mouth Manager, could we talk with you for a while?"
"Sure, I've been expecting you."
"Gee, how did you know we were coming?"
"From our Central Control Command Center, natch. The CCCC sees everything that's happening and what's going to happen before it happens. It knows what to do every second. It never fails and has never made a mistake. It tells us what we need to do and even when something is going to happen before it happens."
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"Ah, yes, you mean the brain relays messages to you."
"Oh, you scientists think you have all the answers, but I'm telling you that you don't. The brain is just a small part of the CCCC. It's only one of the members of the CCCC in which the intelligence runs a small portion of its many functions. Did you know that the CCCC has never made a single mistake since the first human being was created?"
"Now wait just a minute, if you had seen all the sick people I have, I doubt if you would make such a statement."
"I would too. If you bought a brand new automobile that would last for 10 years, but you used bad gas, never changed the oil or then ran the thing over a cliff, you wouldn't expect it to last for 10 years would you? The same thing with your bodies. Your wills, emotions, eating habits, polluted environment and other misuse of your activities force situations that would never have happened if you'd followed Nature's laws. You gave us bad gas, never changed the oil. In short, you wreck your bodies. You go too far - you go past the point where we can keep up with the repair work.You don't supply us with the tools we need to work with. You force conditions beyond our control otherwise your bodies would never get sick or wear out."
"What do you mean they would live forever? If that's true I want to know all about it."
"Look, Mac, what you're asking will take up too much time. I have to get back to work. They just passed the word down that a meal is gonna start and I gotta get ready. Ask the stomach superintendent to give you the scoop."
"Great, perfect timing! Now we can see what really happens. Let's do some tests. See here, the pH is 7. That is definitely above average. Sir, Mr. Mouth Manager, isn't 7 pH a little high?"
"No, Mac. You gotta understand that you're in a healthy body, not an average one. Lemme give you some advice. If you folks would eat what your bodies are made to eat, everyone would have at least a 7 pH in the mouth. Then you would have a better chance against tooth decay and we could digest the food better.
Tooth decay's caused by acids bacteria such as streptococcus mutants and s. sanguis bacteria, and parasites such as E. gingivalis which can't live in a pH of 7 and so - no tooth problems and no gum problems in this mouth!" Here we have Bifidobacterium dentium.77
"Sir, can you just tell us a few important facts about what happens here?"
"OK, just a few. Look over there and you see saliva being secreted. It's preparing for the food. Saliva contains the enzyme called amylase ptyalin. This enzyme helps in the digestion of starch and other things scientists don't know nothing' about. The saliva pH ranges between 7.0 and 7.4.
"We have several glands that make everything wet: the parotid, submandibular, sublingual glands and buccal glands. Bet you didn't know we had so many glands in here, did you?"
"Of course I did. I've studied this subject well, but I realize they don't know it all and I like getting it straight from the horse's mouth. Oops, no pun intended."
Right then Mr. Mouth Manager gave me a weird look, but he continued, "Depending on how much food is eaten, saliva secretion is as much as 1500 milliliters a day. This depends also on how well a person chews his food to mix the amylase and ptyalin enzymes in the food. That'll make you healthier and you'll live longer. Got to go now."
Suddenly he bounded to one side, "Look out, here comes the first bite!" and he went flying into his work. We quickly headed for a safer place. "Wow, look at the pH readings jump up to 8.5 and look at all those amylase enzymes, millions of them! Look how alive and happy they are. See all the good bacteria destroying the bad bacteria from the food that's being eaten. Let's get out of here before we get chomped. We'll slide down the esophagus. Boy, look how all the moisture makes this slippery. Yahoo! Down we go!"
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Exploring the Stomach
Kerplunk! We landed in the upper part of the stomach. Look, there's the Stomach Superintendent. He sure looks important. "Hi there, Mr. Stomach Superintendent, can you tell us what is happening here?"
"Certainly. Notice how the stomach is churning and secreting gastric juices. We've prepared ahead of time and all functions are operating and normal. Stand aside please, or you may find yourselves wrapped in a morsel of well-chewed food."
We moved over quickly, and he continued, "What is taking place here is the most important activity of metabolic function.
I know the brain likes to think it's the most important because it send signals and keeps track of things, but its ability to function is totally dependent upon the stomach. The brain can never stop doing its job unless something went wrong here first.
The heart - same thing. It's completely reliant on us. The same thing is true of the liver, lungs, and every other organ and body tissue. Sometimes we get an argument from the colon. It threatens to clog up to show who is boss, but it can't unless something goes wrong here first. Yes, the stomach is the life of the body. Make certain you take care of it and you will have no problems. It will take care of you."
The Stomach Superintendent broke off to issue an order to some of his workers, then he turned back to us. "Now for your instruction: the process of gastric digestion begins with the willis centrum nervosum - the largest and highest group of sympathetic prevertebral ganglia, located on the superior part of the abdominal aorta on either side of the celiac artery. It contains sympathetic neurons whose unmyelinated postganglionic axons innervate the stomach."
"Sir, ahem. Excuse me, but will you speak English please?"
"I beg your pardon. Will you kindly follow me."
We were carried down through deep grooves by wave-like motions to the lower part of the stomach.
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"Now look carefully and you will see a yellowish-white liquid oozing out through the canaliculi."
"Ah, that must be hydrochloric acid. What's the pH, sir?"
"We keep the solution between .25 to .8. After it mixes with food, it will cause the food to become about a 2.1. That will vary according to how much food and what kind. Now if you will wait a few moments, you can watch what happens when the food comes down here."
While we were waiting, the Stomach Superintendent said that he would give us the secret to good health. "You know enough about chemistry to understand that an acid compound of .25 is so acid that it could burn a hole right through the walls of the stomach or anywhere else. Why do you suppose that isn't happening here right now?"
"I believe you're going to tell us about the sodium bicarbonate buffer system."
He nodded. "Precisely. This buffer system is perhaps the most important chemical activity of the body. Without it you could live for only a few minutes. To maintain good health, the pH of arterial blood needs to be 7.4. The pH of venous blood can be 7.35, because of extra quantities of carbon dioxide that form from carbonic acid. The composition of the sodium bicarbonate buffer system consists of carbonic acid and organic sodium bicarbonate (H2CO3) + (NaHCO3).
"Now in terms that you can comprehend: any acids, through food or that otherwise come into the body, must be buffered before they can be taken by the blood and utilized or removed through the lungs or kidneys.
"In other words, if a person ate a large section of a decomposing (rotting), dead animal's carcass, mucus would be secreted as a gel whose viscosity is 30-260 times that of water. To put it simply, the acids from the decaying tissue in the muscle from the posterior section of a cow, commonly called a steak, would destroy the body if the bicarbonate buffer system did not function.
"Protein, such as found in meat and dairy products, produces sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid as well as other acids. These are deadly poisons to the body and could cause serious damage to anything they contact however it is the bicarbonate buffer system that neutralizes these acids.
"Now look there!" He pointed to the stomach's lining, the mucosa. "There are two different tubular glands: the gastric (or oxyntic) glands and the pyloric glands. The oxyntic glands secrete the sine qua non - hydrochloric acid, pepsinogen and mucus. The pyloric glands secrete mainly mucus, which is filled with organic sodium, bicarbonates, and other alkalizing minerals which are positively necessary to protect the stomach walls from both the hydrochloric acid and the acids from food and drinks. Small quantities of various enzymes are also secreted in the stomach juices including gastric lipase, gastric amylase, and gelatinase.
"Another very important substance is secreted by the oxyntic cells along with hydrochloric acid. It is called the intrinsic factor. This substance is essential for absorption of vitamin B-12 in the ileum. When the acid-producing cells of the stomach are depressed, which frequently occurs in chronic gastritis, the person may develop achlorhydria and also pernicious anemia.This can lead to death.
"Hydrochloric acid , pepsin, and the intrinsic factor, are absolutely vital to digestion. Pepsin and hydrochloric acid are capable of digesting all the different types of protein and collagen in the diet. Collagen is the major component in the intercellular connective tissues. You need collagen and organic sodium to keep your skin youthful. So pepsin is your friend, but it can only work in a pH of 2-3 and is completely inactive at a pH above a 5." This is quite contrary to many of the other digestive enzymes that must have an alkaline environment to become active.
He then pointed to the surface of the stomach mucosa and said that between the glands it had a continuous layer of mucous cells that secrete large quantities of a far more viscid and alkaline mucus than that which coats the mucosa. This mucus was a gel-like layer, usually more than 1mm thick. "This provides an effective shell of protection and also serves as a lubrication for transporting food. The slightest irritation of the mucosa directly stimulates the mucous cells to secrete 'copious quantities of thick, viscid mucus', which forms a barrier that prevents digestion of the gastric wall," he explained.
"Should the stomach lining ever run low on organic sodium, the cells would become acid and we would be forced to shut down hydrochloric acid production, which would ruin all digestive processes in the body. From this point on health deteriorates rapidly."
"Sir, I believe that I already have the answer to a certain question, but I have not always been successful in my explanations to others. Most people know that the stomach secretes hydrochloric acid and it's very acid, but they become confused when I tell them the stomach wall needs to be alkaline. I would appreciate it if you would discuss this."
"I would be happy to explain this seeming paradox, but why don't you place your pH meter right inside the epithelial wall?" I removed my meter which was held by a cord hanging on my shoulders, and I placed the probe to the stomach wall, shoving it in rather deep. It gave me the creeps, but there were no stomach quakes so I flipped the switch to on, and up went the needle to a 7.0. I twisted the probe around to be sure I got an accurate reading. Bingo! It hit 7.4.
Then I pulled it out and measured the surface of the epithelial wall. It dropped to 5 pH. He then said, "The stomach lumen is the only area in the body that can be acid. However, all cells in the stomach wall must be alkaline or they cannot create hydrochloric acid. Acid cells are weak or dying cells. Alkaline cells are happy cells, and happy cells help to maintain alkalinity, so they can handle the acids. Man's thoughts and feelings can produce acid or alkaline cells just by the nature of those thoughts and feelings. Fear, anger and strong emotions create acids which suppress stomach secretions and deplete the alkaline reserve, especially organic sodium."
For the benefit of my readers, I asked the following questions: "You keep talking about the importance of sodium and almost everyone takes pounds of sodium into their body each year, when they use table salt. How is..."
"Table salt! Ahh!!" he interrupted forcefully. This very distinguished person was in a rage. He stamped his foot and shook his finger at us. "Inorganic salt, sea salt, rock salt, inorganic sodium chloride! Bad! Highly destructive. It is body enemy #4, along with distilled vinegar and fried foods. It is almost as dangerous as alcohol. It cannot be used, and it requires a great deal of effort to get rid of it."
"I thought just about everyone takes some sodium chloride," I said meekly.
"Most people do and most people are sick, but you are in a healthy body and we seldom deal with it here, thank heaven!"
Just then he received an emergency call on his beeper, and when he came back he was even more upset. "I have received word that this body is eating potato chips, a rare thing for this healthy person, and if he makes a habit of it he is sure to have problems. Now you can see first-hand the emergency activity occurring during salt intake."
We looked around and saw all the workers running about. Juices secreted through the oxyntic and pyloric glands. Everything was operating quickly, and the stomach muscles began to churn with strong, powerful pulsations. I noticed that the mucous lining was growing right before our eyes. Copious quantities of thick, viscid mucus bubbled up everywhere. We had to get to higher ground fast!
We saw the chewed potato chips move into the stomach and when the mucus touched the sharp crystals of the salt, it shriveled and became hard. Then more mucous wrapped itself over the salt crystals and more mucous shriveled and hardened so much and in such quantities that it finally succeeded in wrapping a coat of protection around the salt crystals, which were carried off in clumps of mucus.
The Stomach Superintendent said sadly, "If you only knew how that depletes our alkaline reserves, you people would outlaw the use of inorganic salt, unless someone just wants to use it to create disease, and make money from trying to treat the disease. Hint, hint!"
"The same thing happens with alcohol and cooked meat. If people are going to eat meat, they should eat it raw like meat-eating animals do. That way we would have a much easier time of it. Parasites would be the big problem then, but that would be less difficult to deal with than lack of alkalizing minerals."
We watched the food churn in the stomach, which was trying to mix up the food with hydrochloric acid and pepsin and take care of the salt, all at the same time. I could see that the Superintendent was getting tired of the obvious pig-out the body was having, and he said, "This healthy body is a vegetarian and we don't usually have many problems, but sometimes he mixes various types of foods, such as fruits and sprouted grains, etc.
As you can see, it makes our job easier if we have only one kind of food to deal with at a time. You can tell how difficult it is to get the hydrochloric acid and the right enzymes to mix with the right food when we have all the mucus to deal with. We consider ourselves lucky that we have plenty of alkaline minerals to handle emergencies like this."
I wanted to know more about the mucosal barrier and I asked him what the most dangerous substance to this needed barrier was. He replied, "Strong negative emotions are enemy #1. They throw everything out of kilter.
Nothing works properly, all glands malfunction, and the whole body rapidly uses up the sodium and other minerals of the alkaline reserve. Any kind of stress, even exercise, stops all digestion. No one should do any strenuous exercise right after eating. Negative emotions create acids all through the body and nothing depletes the system faster. Body enemy #2 is drugs, #3 is alcohol, #4 is inorganic salt, distilled vinegar and fried foods and #5 is cooked meat dairy products are #6, wheat is #7 and #8 is white sugar.
"Down here we are mortally afraid of acetic, propionic, and butyric acids, which are found in butter, meat and some oils. The worst of all is acetylsalicylic acid and salicylic acid, both of which are contained in aspirin and alcohol. If these acids get into the mucosa, they destroy the epithelial cells, then the muscle wall itself is in danger. At that point no function can take place and the stomach is dead on the spot.
"What is most common and should never happen is for the stomach to run out of organic sodium. Then acids from food could destroy the stomach wall. But before this happens the body will use other minerals to take the place of organic sodium.
"I am sure you noticed that wherever the sodium chloride (table salt) touched the mucosa, the secretion of mucus increased six times the normal, and the color changed from opaque to white flakes and even reddish ones. If the mucus were thin and the sodium reserve had been depleted, the epithelial wall could have hemorrhaged.
"Continued generation of negative emotions, or the use of alcohol or salt, would result in breaking the barrier, which would cause an ulcer or the mucosal lining would become hard and perhaps crystallize. At either point, proper digestion would come to a halt and the body would begin to deteriorate at an accelerated rate.
"Should this continue, and it would unless the dietary habits radically changed for the better, the lymph drainage area would become blocked. Now, under the epithelial wall, lymph would back up and become hardened. On the outside of the epithelial wall, the mucous membranes would calcify and crystallize. All normal gastric fluids would stop and the degree of 1. poor circulation, 2. limited oxygen, 3. excess protein, 4. excess inorganic sodium chloride, 5. limited organic sodium and 6.
the presence of acid and other chemical compounds would determine the type and seriousness of the disease that a body would develop. Extreme cases result in cancer.
"As with cancer, a diffuse thickening of all layers may take place and may involve a large part of, or sometimes the entire, gastric (stomach) wall, which becomes contracted and rigid. The mucosal folds become immobile and inflexible. The same phenomenon may take place anywhere throughout the alimentary canal."
At this point Mr. Stomach Superintendent cocked his head and seemed to be listening intently. Then he looked at me and said, "The CCCC has informed us that you have found a way to remove the mucoid plaque from the stomach, small intestines and the colon, and you are now teaching people to rebuild their alkaline mineral reserve. How perfectly wonderful! How life-saving! You certainly have our support!"
He then conducted us to the pyloric valve and when it opened, we thanked him and proceeded into the duodenum.
Exploring the Duodenum
Daily secretions of Intestinal Juices
Volume (ml) pH
Saliva 1000 6.0-7.4
Gastric secretion 1500 .05-3.5
Pancreatic secretion 1000-1500 7.1-8.3
Bile 800-1000 7.8-8.6
Small intestinal secretion 1800 7.5-8.0
Crypts of Lieberkuhn 200 7.5-80
Brunner's gland secretion 200 8.0-8.9
Large intestinal secretion 7.5-8.0
Sodium Bicarbonate secretion 8.0
"Oh, look at the massive amounts of mucus," I exclaimed. I took out my pH meter and found the pH of the Brunner gland secretion to be a perfect 8.9. "Wow, that's the highest reading so far. Ah, here comes the Duodenal Director."
"Did you notice the large quantity of mucus as you came in?" he asked.
I nodded in acknowledgment and he continued, "This mucus comes from the Brunner glands and it coats the walls of this section because when the food comes in from the stomach, it's very acid and would burn holes right through the wall if it weren't for the mucus. This mucus is a thick secretion composed mainly of water, electrolytes, and a mixture of several glycoproteins. If it weren't for the mucus from the Brunner glands everyone would get ulcers. Right here is the area where over 50% of all the ulcers occur.
"So you see, there are two major functions of the duodenum. The first is bringing the food up to alkalinity. We do this by secreting alkaline juices from the Brunner cells, bile, pancreas, and by the crypts of Lieberkuhn. We can also disassociate the carbonic acid into carbon dioxide and water the blood will absorb the carbon dioxide and expel those acids through the lungs. Makes our job much easier, I'm tellin' you. Now all this is necessary before the enzymes from the pancreas will work, which is the #2 function of the duodenum - mixing the food with alkaline enzymes.
"As you see, the mucus ends just a few inches from the opening and the reason is right here." He pointed to two little cave-like openings.
I said, "That must be where the bile duct and pancreatic ducts enter the duodenum."
"You're right on, and the reason there's so little mucus after this point is that the bile pH is 7.8 and the pancreatic juice is 8.3, so these alkaline juices mix with the acid food and bring the food and chyme into alkalinity. This is vitally important because all the enzymes from the pancreas function best when the pH is above a 7."
"You mean protease, lipase, maltase, lactase, chymotrypsin, carboxypolypeptidase, ribonuclease, deoxyribonuclease, and trypsinogen?
"Yes, I see you've done your homework, but there are many more enzymes than that, for instance, peptidase, nuclease, nucleosidase, phosphatase, sucrose, procarboxypolypeptidase, ..."
"Wait, wait!" I interrupted. "That's enough already." He changed his course but continued.
"And, there is much more to these enzymes than your scientists know anything about. They also have a lot of information that they're not telling you, and I know this because the CCCC has informed us. But allow me to tell you a little more about enzymes, because without them the body would die.
"The pancreatic juices contain three major enzyme groups: amylytic, lipolytic, and proeolytic. There are more but we'll stick to these groups. The pancreatic juice also contains large quantities of bicarbonate ions which help in neutralizing the acid food and chyme entering the duodenum from the stomach.
"The amylase splits starch molecules. Its optimum operation pH is 6.9. Lipolytic group has at least 3 enzymes: lipase, which operates best around 8 pH and breaks down fats and alcohol and tripsinogen, chymotrypsins, and zymogens, which all work best at a pH of 8. These enzymes are so powerful that they complete the digestion of most of the proteins all the way to the amino acid state.
I was thinking long and hard about what he had to say, for I began to see serious contradictions here. Not from him, but from what was being said in the medical and health industry. The facts were clear and medical text books proved it. The bowel really needs to be alkaline, but most doctors say otherwise, at least in practice. I wondered why this information was not being told. Even the "good guys," the doctors we all trusted, were either unaware of these important facts or...or what? I thought how all the health food stores and all the doctors were telling people to use Lacto acidolphilus which acidifies the bowel. What was going on here? Yes, I was thinking long and hard trying to catch every point and not miss the hints given. He continued.
"Bile is necessary not only for alkalizing acids but it also helps digest the food, especially fats, even though bile has no enzymes. Bile helps in the absorption of fatty acids, monoglycerides, cholesterol, and other lipids from the intestinal tract. Bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. The average secretion of the bile per day is 700-1200 ml (3 to 5 cups). The bile is composed of water, organic sodium, chloride, electrolytes, cholesterol, lecithin, bilirubin, and small amounts of calcium, potassium, and fatty acids.
"In the forming of gall stones, crystals of calcium salts are responsible for nucleation and growth of stones, but this occurs because organic sodium has been depleted. Organic sodium keeps calcium soft and keeps it from forming stones.
"Every person with cholesterol problems, hardening of the arteries, calcium spurs, and bone problems are deficient in organic sodium.
"Persons with gallstones, before as well as after cholecystectomy, (gall bladder removal) have a bile acid pool about half that of a healthy person, and they secrete bile saturated with cholesterol night and day. This means digestion is totally out of whack. It also means they are having serious trouble throughout their alimentary canal, and all caused by a lack of organic sodium in their diet. Of course they lack sodium mainly because they are eating too much acid food, or are out of control emotionally.
"Now, the sodium keeps the bile alkaline. If the body runs low on sodium, which is standard these days, the body will extract it from the bile because it needs it elsewhere and two important things can happen: 1. gallstones are formed and 2. the bile becomes acid. When this happens, we are in big trouble."
He pointed below us and continued, "As you look down the duodenum you notice how the good bacteria thrives and there are no parasites. Should the bile turn acid, the good bacteria can change, mutate or die, and harmful bacteria and fungi might develop. As these conditions develop, mucoid plaque increases. Then parasites come in to help try to clean up the mess.
"When bile becomes acid, the chances of ulcers forming become greatly increased, food cannot be digested or assimilated properly and the entire alimentary canal becomes acid, which creates one problem after another until finally the body dies.
"Over 50 percent of all peptic ulcers are formed in the duodenum and are caused by eating food not designed for humans - I mean acid food. These acid foods drain the body of valuable minerals, especially sodium and calcium which are needed for buffering those acids, for smooth peristaltic action, as well as for just about every metabolic function in the body." Since it takes several hours before the food passes into the duodenum, and we didn't have time to wait, the Duodenal Director escorted us to the jejunum intestine. The length of the duodenum is only about 10 inches long, so we were there quickly.
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Exploring the Jejunum
Waiting for us was the Jejunum Tour Guide. He was similar to the Stomach Supervisor, rather sophisticated in his appearance. It was as clear as the nose on your face that he took his work seriously and considered it very important, which it is.
"Greetings from all the staff of the jejunum and ileum," he said. "It is my distinct pleasure to conduct you through the most important part of the physical body. Initially I shall summarize the operational specifications and show you exactly what transpires here.
"The jejunum and ileum comprise the longest section of the digestive tube, which is about 22 feet long and is far more important to body metabolism than the colon. It is here that most of the work done by the mouth, stomach, and duodenum pays off. When, and only when, they have been able to do their work properly, can we do ours."
We began to move down the long tube, and our guide continued, "As you can see, the growth of bacteria here is very plentiful, and within all this boundless friendly bacteria are millions of enzymes working like Santa's elves. They are busy making presents for all the body's functions."
"Look in here," he said, and we stuck our heads into a whitish mass which resembled a cross between cotton and whipped cream.
"See, these enzymes are producing B vitamins and that group over there is manufacturing Vitamin B-12. Now come with me."
We moved several feet further on and again he showed us another mass. This was a little different in color, mostly tan. We peeked inside and he said, "These enzymes are making amino acids, while up there you can see a group making our special antibiotics."
We were really impressed and also wondered how everything stayed so moist. I thought about growing pineapple there because the climate definitely felt tropical. We commented on this and he replied, "Notice down there, the pits of the crypt of Lieberkuhn. See how they secrete pure extracellular fluid."
I took out my meter and found a pH reading of 8. I was curious and so I said, "Many doctors have implied that it is normal to have a pH of 6.5 in the intestines. What is going on here?"
He smiled and answered, "Of course we know perfectly well what reading a healthy body should have, but according to the CCCC, which knows everything, your scientists have never measured a healthy body. When does a perfectly healthy body go to a doctor? Almost every test made has been done on sick people and there is a vast difference in body chemistry between a sick person and a healthy one.
"If you want to really know what is right or wrong in the body, study anatomy. Take your pH measurements and see how we are constantly trying to keep the intestines alkaline by secreting alkaline fluids through the Crypts of Lieberkuhn."
I couldn't help thinking how may health practitioners use acids to try to kill off Candida. It helps some, but they do weaken the body. Candida does die in acid, but we can't get our bowels acid enough to kill all the Candida. Why not assist the body to become alkaline and strengthen all body functions so it can wipe out Candida through its own immune system? To my surprise, our Tour Guide read my mind.
"Bacteria, Rich, that's the secret. Help get the body alkaline, clean out the intestines, and then give it the right bacteria, which will help keep it alkaline in here. Too many people use only acidolphilus. It's OK for the upper stomach, but not down here. That creates acids of 4.5 pH and can acidify the bowel at a pH of 6.5 or less. We suffer at that pH and always try to remove it with our alkaline secretions. The Stomach Superintendent can use acidophilus in his upper chambers, but here it produces way too much lactic acid. Digestion suffers as you have recently learned, for the enzymes here in the small intestine cannot function well in a pH below 6.5. Still, it's better than having candidiasis and E-coli and other harmful bacteria, but it is not the natural bacteria we need for perfect health."
Then I thought, "He read my mind again. How did he do that?" And he did it again. "Rich, the CCCC, the Central Control Command Center, is what science calls Innate Intelligence - you call it God. It is located in each cell and, in fact, is within each atom. It governs all life everywhere. That is why a person's body is incapable of making a single error. Everything that makes a body deteriorate is caused by what the owner has done to it, for it must have the correct chemical environment to function. Given that environment, it will repair itself and with proper care and positive feelings, it will live forever."
We need to remove these toxins as quickly as we can, but at the same time we must also reestablish the innate patterns. We absolutely must do both at the same time.
"Powerful statements," I thought, and then remembered Alexis Carrel and his chicken heart that wouldn't die. I also thought about Li Chung yun, the Chinese Professor who finally died at the age of 256 in 1933. Then I thought about the Biblical characters who lived almost a thousand years. I also reflected upon the many individuals who have lived several hundred years in perfect health and how they prefer to keep their identity silent. That made me think, "Truth is indeed stranger than fiction." I chuckled to myself, thinking how so few people know so little about these things, and how it is better not even to talk about it. People's belief systems are so rigid that it is hard for them to investigate other things.
"That Innate Intelligence," he proceeded, "knows exactly what to do every time, every place and under all conditions. It can repair anything just as it is able to create our bodies. It is in touch with everyone everywhere and that is how I knew what you were thinking."
I just smiled and felt at peace, and he said, "Rich, you always wanted to know about enzymes. There are several kinds of peptidase which split into amino acids. Four are for splitting disaccharides into monosaccharides - sucrase, maltase, isomaltase and lactase. We also use some lipase."
"Well, what about emotions - how do they affect this environment?" I inquired enthusiastically.
"When the emotions of the body's owner become intensely ruffled, they may cause extreme stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. This, of course, creates excessive acid throughout the system. Some of the acids can find their way into the canal here and when that happens, massive amounts of mucus are created. So much so that some people have to have a bowel movement of ropy mucus as often as every 30 minutes, and this without fecal material. This usually happens in the colon, but it can happen up here too.
"Here is something you haven't thought about yet, Rich. There is another reason why the intestines secrete so much mucus. There is a great deal of bacterial activity that takes place inside the feces, which you like to call the stool."
"Yes", I said, "because we are always sitting on it." I laughed at my pun, and he smiled as he continued.
"This bacterial activity inside the feces can be harmful to the intestinal wall and so can the acids that are inside the feces. Is not Infinite Intelligence wonderful to have designed the body to take care of all the activities?" I nodded my head in wonder and appreciation for that omniscience and omnipotence.
Our guide moved to an area a little more free of bacteria, and he asked us to look very carefully. I got down on my hands and knees and with a powerful magnifying glass, I examined a clear, gel-like fluid which is the natural protective mucosal lining - part of the bowel barrier. Here I looked past the folds and striations of the intestinal wall and saw what covered the entire intestinal wall of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. They were microscopic structures that resembled fingers. They were the villi, millions of them and their base was lined with the crypts of Lieberkuhn. There were three crypts to every villus.
"Discover These
Shocking But Simple, 100%, Safe,
All-Natural Colon
Cleansing Methods That Will Boost
Your Energy And
Automatically Improve Your Health...
"The entire epithelium," our guide said, "is replaced every 3 to 6 days. Cells are shed at a rate of more than 100 million a minute. However, cell production is decreased by x-rays, salt, bad bacteria, wheat products, acid foods, and acid bile.
"As long as there is plenty of alkaline reserve, we can handle most attacks but when that runs low, damage can be severe. Science knows that the upper duodenum is more resistant to attack by acid than down here in the jejunum.
We are aware of the tests that scientists make on animals. In one study, dog's duodenum was surgically bypassed so that the gastric contents of the stomach emptied directly into the jejunum. This bypassed the alkaline secretions of the Brunner glands, bile and pancreatic ducts, preventing the food from becoming alkaline. Ulceration of the jejunal mucosa almost always occurred. This is exactly what can happen to humans when they run out of organic sodium and when the bile turns acid. The acids, due to a lack of organic sodium and too much acid food, cause ulcers, colitis, bowel cancer , and other bowel problems.
"They do all this research - murder and torture millions of animals each year - and it is totally unnecessary. Scientists, above all, should be aware of the Law of Cause and Effect, for to harm these life forms for whatever reason will come back to the one doing the injury. The universal penalty includes those who order it to be done. The same is true with those who buy meat in a restaurant or at the local supermarket. They are also guilty of murder, for they have broken the commandment, 'Thou shalt not kill.' If scientists, or anyone who is searching for knowledge, would harmonize themselves and meditate, they could find all the answers they seek and much more from the CCCC.
"One of the problems we must deal with is fermentation of the food coming through here. Fermentation creates acids, and this is a problem mostly with meat and poor food combinations.
All of this acid creation uses up valuable sodium and alkaline reserves. Sodium is the main ingredient used to buffer acids and poisons. The mucosa is stimulated by the acid and secretes copious amounts of mucus to protect the bowel wall. As sodium levels drop, the mucus is forced to harden. This is an additional but a necessary method of protecting the intestinal lining from poisons and acids. It is a natural response - when sodium is low the calcium hardens. If sodium and calcium are low, then mucoid plaque automatically forms. When strong acids are consistently created over a period of years, then mucoid plaque can break down and colitis, ulcers, cancer, diverticula, etc. develop, usually as a result of the bile being too acid.
"The way the mucoid plaque is formed is similar to what occurs in the arteries. Though this is seldom discussed, a plaque-like substance can form anywhere throughout the body, even at the cell levels and in the brain. In the brain, it forms like a veil, preventing higher awareness and clear thinking.
This veil in the brain must be eliminated before anyone can achieve that which you call higher consciousness, or super-consciousness. This veil prevents the perception and awareness of other dimensions and worlds. Man, who glorifies his own intelligence, is one of the most ignorant life forms in the universe. Rend this veil and man will begin to see the truth of life, rather than the illusion of death.
"As you can see, the pH is based upon the organic minerals, and that determines the state of health of the bowel which determines the health of the entire body.
"It is the acid that weakens the bowel mucosa and then the epithelium wall, which sets the stage for colitis, diverticula, ileocecal damage, leaky intestine syndrome, cancer, etc. And it all begins in the emotions and with what foods are eaten."
He finished his talk then and conducted us down to the ileo cecal valve at the end of the ileum. We thanked him for all the information, said our good-bye, and passed through into the cecum.
"Discover These
Shocking But Simple, 100%, Safe,
All-Natural Colon
Cleansing Methods That Will Boost
Your Energy And
Automatically Improve Your Health...
Exploring the Colon
Waiting for us just on the other side of the passageway was none other than Colon Coordinator. He was a sturdy-looking fellow - strong jaw, well-built. Here was someone who had purpose, and one look told us that he was no one to argue with.
We said, "Hello," and his reply was, "Since you're here to learn about the colon, let's get started.
"First, the colon is also called the 'large intestine'. Compared to the small intestine, it is wider in diameter and that's the only reason it's called 'large'. It consists of the cecum, where we are right now, the ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid, rectum, and the anal canal.
"The main anatomical differences are that it has no villi, it's short, fat, and has bulging sac-like folds called 'haustras'. The physiological differences are that the small intestine absorbs approximately 90% of the food that will be used and the colon less than 10%."
The Colon Coordinator was just plain too serious. I wondered if he had ulcers. I thought about the time in Kauwai when I challenged John Rohrbach to make Bruce, the coconut man, smile. Bruce was great at cracking coconuts but he couldn't crack a smile. John took my challenge and soon had Bruce laughing and telling us stories. I wondered if I could do the same with the Colon Coordinator. I plotted a plan as I listened to Mr. Serious. He continued.
"About 1500 ml of chyme pass into the colon each day. Most of the water and electrolytes in this are absorbed by the colon. The body tries to keep all the organic sodium it can and so the colon mucosa absorbs this valuable ingredient. In this process an electrical potential is created which causes chloride absorption also.
"Look at the appendix," he said. I quickly took out my book and flipped to the back pages. He stopped me and said, "No, no, not that appendix. Over here." And he pointed to the hole leading into the appendix. I laughed and he didn't even crack a smile. "This is a very important part of the lymphatic system. The appendix, as well as the tonsils, help remove excess toxins. These little organs act as a buffer for the body. They absorb dangerous toxins, hence preventing those toxins from harming other parts of the body. Removal of these lymphatic organs greatly reduces the body's capacity to protect itself from toxic overloads. Those who have had their tonsils removed have far more trouble in their lives than those who have not."
I thought of myself and how as a child, they yanked my tonsils out of me. I was the only one in our family and the only one of my friends who had them out and sure enough, I was the sick duck among them all.
"Discover These
Shocking But Simple, 100%, Safe,
All-Natural Colon
Cleansing Methods That Will Boost
Your Energy And
Automatically Improve Your Health...
I also recalled a lady who came into my office one day and told me about her sister who had a serious condition in one of her adrenal glands. The doctors wanted to remove it. She begged her sister not to have the operation, and to follow the wholistic way - cleanse and rebuild her body, change her diet. (God didn't create body parts to be cut out by doctors.) Her sister went ahead with the operation. They removed the good gland by mistake and left the diseased one! (Loss of the adrenals usually causes death within three days to two weeks. Guyton)
Mr. Colon Coordinator was reading my mind as I was wondering why a person dies without the adrenals and what he said added wonderful information about the pH of the body.
"The reason a person can die when the loss of the adrenal function occurs is because of the loss of the mineralocorticoid. This hormone is secreted from the adrenal cortex and controls the sodium and potassium ion concentration. Without the mineralocorticoids, the potassium ion concentration of the extra-cellular fluid rises, the sodium and chloride concentrations decrease, and the total extracellular fluid volume and blood volume drop. Soon the heart function proceeds to a shock-like state and death follows.
"Notice the name of this hormone, 'mineralocorticoids'. The name was derived because this hormone affects the electrolytes of the extracellular fluids - sodium and potassium in particular."
I was wondering if he were reading my mind about my plan to make him laugh. If he were, he didn't reveal it.
"There is another adrenal hormone that affects the mineralocorticoid and that is aldosterone. Its most important function is to activate the sodium and potassium transport through the renal tubular walls and transport hydrogen ions. This hormone also causes sodium to be conserved in the extracellular fluid while potassium is excreted into the urine. Proper function of these adrenal hormones can mean the difference between disease and health, especially in balancing the pH and heart function."
Right then I stopped him and said, "Do you have any coffee down here? I sure am thirsty." A twinkle in his eye shown and a smile cracked forth. He replied, "I know you don't drink coffee but you had two purposes for your remark - to make me smile and to let people know that coffee is a terrible drain upon the adrenals.
"People are very concerned about electrolytes these days. They fear they will lose them through enemas and cleansing procedures but I 'm here to tell you that more electrolytes are lost through acid bile conditions and the indulgence in high protein foods, which are acid, than by any other method. Diarrhea is often caused because of acid bile or too much acid in the alimentary canal. These conditions force the loss of electrolytes, especially sodium.
"Let's get back to the basics," the Colon Coordinator said. "We are running out of time." We began to travel up the ascending colon. He pointed to various places along the wall, explaining the marvelous secretions of physiology. We saw many, many places where the crypts of Lieberkuhn secreted their alkalinity.
I was impressed with his mind-reading ability, and I did make him smile, but I hadn't made him laugh yet. I continued with my plot while he continued explaining.
"Just like in the small intestine, we try to keep it alkaline in here. Notice all the bacteria growing? Up until a few years ago doctors thought that the colon did not absorb anything, but I'm telling you, a clean colon like this one absorbs many things however, the helpful bacteria keeps the blood from absorbing harmful elements."
Then he pointed out certain pieces of the colon which he called reflex points. "Nerves, " he said, " are attached to each point and on the other end of those nerves, things vibrate according to what goes on here. If the area is clean at this location, the other end of the nerve will be clean and function with vitality. Now for an example, this area affects the brain."
We had just walked past the hepatic flexure and into the transverse colon. It was so interesting, for I had always thought that the colon was just like the bottom of an outhouse. Not here. Everything was clean, and a glow from an unknown source lighted the whole bowel. I wondered where the light was coming from, and he said, "Ultra-violet light, the way it should be. There is a process which occurs at the epithelium, where an ultra-violet light is generated under certain conditions.
• The epithelium must be perfectly clean.
• Homeostasis must be in perfect balance.
• The body must have full reserves of alkalinity.
• There must be the correct bacteria.
• The food eaten must be raw.
Under these conditions the ultra-violet light acts like ozone and generates oxygen which kills off any potential pathogen. This process keeps the body vitalized and strong. All forces act perfectly according to the perfect Laws of Nature. This body cannot get sick. The average aging process is minimal. We, the workers in this body, appreciate functioning in such a perfect system." My voltmeter registered surprising amounts of energy.
"Approximately 1500 ml (or over 5 cups) of chyme," he explained, "pass through the ileocecal valve into the colon daily. Most of the water and electrolytes in the chyme are absorbed in the colon. It is important for the body to drink plenty of water or we will be forced to extract too much water from the fecal matter here, which will slow down peristalsis and make the stool dry, causing all sorts of trouble."
"What are some of the causes of poor peristalsis?" I asked.
"There are many causes. Lack of fiber in the diet (but this rarely happens with vegetarians), eating too much mucus-forming foods such as dairy products or cooked grains, a lack of organic sodium and calcium due to bad diet, and even short circuits in nerves or brain caused by poor diet or unhealthy emotions. This list is actually much longer, but these are the more common ones."
We watched the bacteria flowing in rhythmic motions. He commented on this," The bacteria is busy producing B vitamins, (including B-12, thiamin, riboflavin) and some of the amino acids and vitamin K. The body uses only what it needs, which is very little since most of this action takes place in the small intestine."
As we were passing through the descending colon, he pointed out a special spot, "Here is the heart area. People who have heart trouble usually have a serious bowel pocket right here." He touched the colon wall right in the center of the descending colon. "Many people with heart trouble can feel a tenderness here." I thought, "The body never ceases to amaze me."
Next we passed into the sigmoid colon and came to an area filled with fecal matter. "This group of matter," he said, "has served its full purpose. It has supplied the body with abundant amounts of needed materials. Now the wastes of the system, which will be nutritious to the soil, are contained in this matter. Notice the bacteria in this substance. One fourth of this is dead bacteria and about 15% is fat, most of which has been formed by the bacteria."
Right then the Colon Coordinator interrupted himself and politely said that he had to get back to work. He escorted us through the rectum and out past the last valve of the body, the anal sphincter. "Have fun in an average person's body," he said with a knowing look, and then made a great big smile. I laughed and thought, "I couldn't make him laugh, but he did make me laugh." I laughed again.
A Dangerous Journey
Soon we were with the CCCC advisor who conducted us to the mouth of the other body which we were to inspect. He tried to prepare us by saying, "The body you have just explored was truly exceptional. Not one in 10 million is like that. However, such a vehicle is the potential for all, but each person must realize that he, and no one else, is responsible for his own body.
Through cleansing and purification anyone can make great strides toward perfection, but he must cleanse and purify the thoughts and emotions as well as the body, cultivate higher, more constructive thoughts of helping others, developing gratitude, and planting the seeds of love. People must do the same with the food for the body - feed it the food of life, not death - for dead food brings death to the body. Live food brings life and strength. Always eat foods containing the greatest vitality."
"Now, the next body tour," he continued, "will not be so pleasant a journey, and you will want to move through rather quickly." He led us to the mouth of a body that looked like the average person on the street."The possessor of this body eats meat and you will find many things wrong, so take your reading and move out fast," he cautioned.
In we went. The Mouth Manager looked a bit cranky and tired. He didn't say much, other than, "You were lucky to tour a healthy body. Look around and see what I mean."
The first things we noticed were all the silver fillings. "Ah," I thought," problem number one. Mercury amalgam fillings - a deadly poison, mercury, and it makes up over 50% of the so-called "silver" fillings. It should be outlawed."
"Yes," said the Mouth Manager, with a gleam in his eye, "and so should that." He pointed to a tooth which had had a root canal. "That," he explained, "is worse than the mercury. If you knew the headaches this person gets, the depression, the kidney problems, etc. you would have yours removed as soon as possible." He showed us the tooth decay and dental plaque, and he punched the gums. "See this? Looks bad here too." Then we looked at the tongue. "Oh, oh," I said, "more trouble here. Look at the gray plaque going all the way down."
I took a pH reading - 5.8. "A flat 5.8. This person has a problem!" I exclaimed. Just then the mouth opened to eat some spaghetti and I moved quickly to the parotid gland ducts and took a reading. "It should be over 8 pH," I yelled back, "but I bet it won't be." The reading changed slightly up to a 6, returned to 5.8. "Oh, boy," I thought, "this one is in big trouble!"
Then with my powerful magnifying glass, I saw tiny little worms crawling all over the mouth. I jumped back. "Yikes!" I yelled.
"Yes," the Mouth Manager said. "E. gingivalis. We can't get rid of them while he continues to eat the flesh foods and other junk. These little bugs contribute to many of the other dental problems.
We said "good-bye" to the Mouth Manager, he waved, and we hooked a ride on another bite. Down we went and it was really dark in there, unlike the other stomach we had visited. I turned on my flashlight and surveyed the scene. Oh, it looked gloomy. There were large piles of mucus and bacteria, and some areas with no mucus at all. Everything looked disorderly.
We went down to the pyloric end of the stomach and here sat the Stomach Superintendent. He looked depressed. I tried to cheer him up, "Hi, Mr. Stomach Supe, what's for lunch, ha, ha," I laughed. He smiled grimly, "Doesn't matter what's for lunch, not much we can do." "What do you mean?" I asked.
"The owner of this body eats so much acid food," he replied, "that we ran out of organic sodium a long time ago. Now we have nothing to work with - all functions are on emergency - no sodium, no hydrochloric acid, no pepsin. Just look at the stomach lining. It's hard, with no sodium to keep the calcium soft - no secretions possible. It's full of harmful bacteria, and now parasites have invaded our territory. We just hope that no more salt or alcohol get put down here. We can't handle it!"
"Oh, no," he yelled, "french fries with salt! Emergency, Emergency!" Workers rushed to the salty french fries, and we watched carefully as we saw what was left of the normal mucosa shrink and crystallize before our very eyes.
The Stomach Superintendent grimaced. "If this keeps up for long, a tumor will develop," he said and pointed to a cluster of growths. "Polyps," I observed. "Yes," he agreed, "the beginning of tumors, and he wonders why he doesn't feel good. I hope you can straighten things out, Rich."
We took pH readings of 5.4 - just acid enough to do damage, but not acid enough to digest food. The poor Stomach Superintendent went off to do some supervising and we went through the pyloric valve. As we went in, we saw a big old ulcer. It was oozing yellow-red pus.
We found the Duodenum Director working on another ulcer just inside. "Gee, what happened to the Brunner cells?" I asked. "Oh, they're OK. They just haven't any sodium to work with, " he said. "Can't you get it from somewhere else?" He shook his head. "Already took what we could from the bile, but then the bile turned acid and now there's trouble everywhere. The brain issues some sodium down here which it gets from the joints and muscles, but not enough for us to do a good job.
We get some calcium from the bones but without the sodium we really can't use it." He put down his tools and showed us around. "Take a pH reading here at the bile duct," he suggested, "and see what I mean." "Wow!" I exclaimed, "that stings! - 4.8. No wonder he has an ulcer."
"This body," the Director resumed, "keeps taking sodium and calcium from wherever it can get them - from the joints, for instance - and now he has arthritis. We had to have potassium to save his life, and now he has heart trouble. The body is falling apart. At the present rate of deterioration, this man will develop cancer in 2 more years. That is, unless he changes his eating habits but he could die of a heart attack before then.
However, he feels so tired that he is unlikely to do any strenuous exercise, so it's anybody's guess whether he will die of heart failure or cancer." He shook his head sadly, "Doesn't anyone know how to eat up there?"
Then he showed us the layers of mucoid plaque building up, getting thicker and thicker. "So far, we have kept the pancreas duct open, but the digestive enzymes can't do much good here because it's too acid."
"What about the Crypts of Lieberkuhn? Can't they secrete any alkalinity?" I asked. "They keep trying, but there's no sodium, remember?" he reminded me. "Man, oh man," I said. "This body is in a pickle, that's for sure."
I suddenly looked up with fright. "Talk about a pickle!" I yelled. "What's that heading our way?" A large, dark-gray pickle-looking object was floating above us and moving quickly our way. I wanted to run. I thought about the movie "Rambo" with death-dealing helicopters ravaging the area below. The Director put his hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry.
That is just a 'Gas Blimp', perfectly harmless to you, but causing a great deal of pain to the owner of this body. It puts a great deal of pressure on the intestinal wall. We'll just pass right through it, but you will want to wear these gas masks." I felt relief and could look down the tunnel and watch all the fermentation going on which created all the gas.
"Rich, I have a favor to ask of you. Please write in your next book that it can be damaging to repress gas. People should know this. Keeping gas in because it is embarrassing to release it is understandable, but is not good for the body. In many cases, however, it would be nice to go outside to release it. Best of all, is to Cleanse & Purify and eat good food. Then there will be no problems." I agreed and promised to mention it in the new book.
I noticed the large quantities of bacteria, and that the bacteria here was different. I was about to comment on it when the Duodenum Director quickly pushed us aside as a large worm went slithering by. "Oh, yuk," I said, "I wouldn't want to tangle with that critter, and this place is crawling with them." "The colon is even more infested," he warned. "You'll never get by. Not only that, but there are many different kinds of parasites. I suggest you get out of here before it's too late."
"First tell me what I'm missing," I pleaded. "Well," he said, "it's acid from here on out, and mucoid plaque is developing with each new bite. This man enjoys eating animals. The animals that have been killed for his consumption, are killing him. He has turned his body into an animal cemetery, and his body is becoming his own graveyard."
"Where does he go hunting?" I asked. He replied, "Where everyone else does - the meat department. He goes there and orders death." The Director sighed heavily and resumed, "Anyway, the mucoid plaque thickens from here on down, except where colitis is developing. The bile acids are so strong there that it has burned away the mucoid plaque. There is very little friendly bacteria any more and there is little peristaltic activity, so he must rely upon pushing his food out with pressure and that causes diverticulitis.
I doubt if you can get past certain areas because they're so compacted with old fecal matter. You might crawl through worm holes, but then you may come face-to-face with the Ascaris."
I had just one more question and he replied, "With all the acid in this body, it can no longer create hydrochloric acid, and bacteria of the wrong type is overgrown. This bacterial growth contributes to the cancer he is now developing, plus the pains in his abdomen, colitis, iron deficiency, anemia, and many other problems.A
By this time I had heard enough, so we offered our thanks and condolences and out we went. The whole experience left a strong impression on me, as I thought of the suffering that the poor bodies of the "average" person has to endure.
"The colon is a sewage system, but by neglect and abuse it becomes a cesspool. When it is clean and normal, we are well and happy; let it stagnate, and it will distill the poisons of decay, fermentation and putrefaction into the blood, poisoning the brain and nervous system so that we become mentally depressed and irritable; it will poison the heart so that we are weak and listless; poisons the lungs so that the breath is foul; poisons the digestive organs so that we are distressed and bloated; and poisons the blood so that the skin is sallow and unhealthy.
In short, every organ of the body is poisoned, and we age prematurely, look and feel old, the joints are stiff and painful, neuritis, dull eyes and a sluggish brain overtake us; the pleasure of living is gone.”
Harmful diet and lifestyle cultural norms in the Western World have resulted in a health disorder, which affects countless individuals today in varying degrees. Oftentimes, this disorder is an over-acid condition in the digestive system which leads to a host of other ailments related to incomplete and ineffective digestion. Dr. Richard Anderson estimates that 94% of all meat eaters and 70% of all vegetarians in the United States are over-acid.
Problems generally associated with over-acidity include the following: immune disorders, arthritis, bowel disease, indigestion, gallstones, obesity, nervousness, yeast infections, bacterial infections, mood swings, poor eyesight, dermatitis, parasites, heart disease, liver disease, lung disease, fatigue, and bronchitis.
Over-acidity may be determined by a simple pH test of the saliva.“If you are vegetarian and your normal diet is mostly vegetables, fruits and only small amounts of grains, then you would be in good shape. Everybody else had better take the tests!” One of the main causes of over-acidity is chronic over-consumption of protein and other acid-forming foods and substances. Americans have been deeply brainwashed to believe that we must have large amounts of protein to be healthy. Proteins are acid forming, and too much protein depletes the body’s organic mineral supply. This results in an inability of the body to fully process the overload due to a lack of nutrients (electrolyte minerals) required to do so. The problem worsens over time with continued over-consumption, because without adequate nutrients, the bowel loses its ability to defend itself from acids, toxicants1, microorganisms and chemicals that damage the bowel wall. Other factors that may also contribute to over-acidity are exercise, stressful emotions, drugs and radiation, Herbicides, pesticides, preservatives and other unnatural chemicals found in our food.
In addition to the self-created toxins resulting from over-indulgence of acid-forming foods and substances, there are also a host of environmental factors that contribute to the weakening of our digestive systems and practically every other organ, gland and cell of our bodies.
Never before in the history of man has our environment been so full of unnatural chemical poisons. There is not one place on earth that toxic chemicals haven’t reached. 100% of the air on earth is polluted to some degree or another. Even in the purest mountains, the water may be contaminated enough to need purification for human use. 100% of the wells in some states have been contaminated. Most of the food we eat has been sprayed or fertilized with toxic chemicals, and the animals people eat are full of antibiotics and hormones, which have caused unbelievable and unexpected reactions. Then there are the cigarettes, soda pop, chocolates, coffee, drugs, etc.
A breakdown of immune function through exposure to these toxins, both dietary and environmental, is seen in a weakened bowel. When the bowel is healthy, IgAs are capable of destroying virtually every known pathogenic microorganism (bacteria, yeast, fungus, parasites, etc.) When we have lost the necessary nutrients or have acquired an over-acid bowel, the IgA activity can no longer function effectively, and the bowel, as well as the entire physical body, becomes vulnerable to attack. Consistent attacks from the pathogenic microorganisms, unnatural chemicals and acids eventually weaken the structure of the bowel. Microorganisms can then enter the bloodstream, as can larger particles of undigested food, chemicals and other toxic particles.
The liver then takes on the overload of toxins. Relentless flow of toxicity from the bowel eventually weakens the liver. When the liver can no longer function effectively, then other organs, glands and tissues become vulnerable to mucus, congestions and relentless attacks from microorganisms. As this condition continues, the person experiences increasing sluggishness and inefficiency. This is how insufficient bowel function results in a variety of chronic and degenerative diseases. This all contributes to an increasingly widespread inability to handle stress of any kind without getting sick. This is why we cleanse our bodies now, in the hope that we can correct some of these difficulties.
When the bowel functions optimally, then - and only then - can the liver and every other organ have the ability to function optimally. It should be noted that a perfectly functioning body is virtually invulnerable to any microorganism
Causes of dis-ease
• Congestion
• Toxicity
• Deficiency
1. Disease is a natural result of an unnatural lifestyle.
2. A smile is a bloom of the soul.
3. Disease occurs only when our internal environment is favorable for disease growth. And we create our internal environment through our diet, life-styles, and thoughts.
4. As you never see flies in a clean garbage can, you also never see disease in a completely pure being.
5. We tailor-make hormones perfectly designed by the intensity and type of thought and feeling. In this way we virtually control every physiological activity in our bodies.
6. The goal therefore, is to achieve unconditional love for everybody and everything and then, to amplify it continuously.
8. How can a truly clean person possibly become infested with parasites or pathogenic bacteria? They can’t.
9. In America, far, far more people die from too much protein than not enough.
10. Attacks by germs (parasites, fungus, virus, bad bacteria) can only be successful when our bodies have devolved into a severely polluted environment.
11. All dis-eases are the result of mental and physiological filth.
12. Germs can only cause infection in a susceptible host.
13. It is what we do to ourselves that governs our state of health, not what is done to us.
14. We do not need to know the name of disease, but we do need to know how to get rid of the internal filth which comprises the environment that causes the disease.
15. We never need to be attacked by outside entities, commonly called germs. We can create them within our own bodies by polluting our bodies.
16. Whatever we have put into our bodies that interferes with its ability to function properly, must be removed.
17. Did you know that there has never been a disease that someone hasn't conquered?"
18. We also need to treat the liver by cleansing and strengthening it, and we can never successfully accomplish this without first cleansing the bowels.
19. The survival of every animal, bird, fish, plant, and germ (whether it be bacteria, viruses, fungus, or protozoa), depends entirely upon its environment. Pathogenic germs cannot overcome a clean, healthy, and vibrant human body.
20. Disease occurs only when our internal environment is favorable for disease growth.
21. The ability to love at higher levels is inhibited by the brutality and cruelty of flesh-eating.
22. Studies show that vegetarians are stronger, more agile, have twice the stamina, less disease, and recover from fatigue faster than meat-eaters.
23. A Yale University study revealed that vegetarians have nearly twice the stamina of meat-eaters.
Our Bodies, Minds, and Affairs Are Modified by Our Thoughts and Feelings
24. Let us see ourselves the way we want to be. Let us, to the very best of our ability, act as though we are now that which we want to be.
25. When we begin to practice these exercises, all the negative thoughts and feelings that interfere with our desired goals will begin to surface.
26. Watch that our attention does not become fixed on the things we do not want.
27. For what we give or do to other parts of life we force into ourselves.
28. If we want perfection, we absolutely must see perfection in others as well as ourselves.
29. If you do not see perfection, if you see other than God's perfection, then you contribute to the darkness of the world.
30. Judging the mistakes of others binds us to them.
31. The original sin is egotism, which is the failure to see the Oneness of life.
32. I challenge everyone reading these words to practice gratitude, appreciation, and non-judgment, for these bring forth love and healing like nothing else does.
33. If we are not laughing or at least chuckling to ourselves every few minutes, then we can be certain that we are suffering from illusion.
34. The fulfillment of all hopes is love.
35. Joy is love in action.
36. The most important effort anyone can ever make to obtain success, happiness, and health, is to establish the habit of unconditional love for everyone and everything. No greater aspirations exist.
37. For it is consciousness - the beliefs we hold about ourselves, our basic mental points of view, our emotional habits, which govern our physiology.
38. Our subconscious mind doesn't function in limitation, only our conscious mind does that.
39. Emotions such as grief, guilt, feelings of failure, resentment, and suppressed anger produce over-secretion of the same hormones that suppress the immune system. Can we reverse this condition by creating emotions of love and joy?
40. Both small and large masses of tumors have disappeared virtually overnight. Just before the cure appears, almost every patient experiences a dramatic shift in awareness.
41. Unconscious mind doesn't care what seeds we give it, nor what it will manifest for us. Its fruits are always the results of the seeds we planted within it.
42. Whenever people consider themselves victims, (thinking: this is not my fault; it was imposed upon me!), then at the very moment they proclaim their belief, usually unconsciously, that they do not have the power to protect or heal themselves. This is a grave mistake, for it blocks the healing process.
Modern Medicine
43. Modern medical science is the only organization that suggests using treatments worse than the disease.
44. Drugs and radiation suppress the body’s toxin and emotion releasing activity. If we want true healing, we must allow all toxins to surface and be released.
45. Following breathing, and the heart beating, the next most important physiological function our bodies perform is to maintain balanced pH.
46. When the body becomes low in its supply of an electrolyte, it will go to other parts of the body, break down tissue, and retrieve the needed electrolytes.
47. Eating only organically grown produce is the only way we can be confident that we are receiving adequate supply of minerals, since commercially grown produce is usually deficient in minerals.
48. Adequate healing cannot occur until we have replenished our mineral supply and brought our bodies into the proper pH.
49. A lack of organic minerals anywhere in our bodies means a decrease in cell and enzyme function.
50. Only slight changes in pH from normal levels can cause extreme alterations in the rates of chemical reactions - inside and outside the cells.
51. Every function of our bodies is dependent upon an adequate supply of minerals.
Mucoid Plaque
52. Mucoid plaque seems to be the forerunner of many disease conditions. Not just in the bowel, but diseases throughout the entire body.
53. One of the main problems with mucoid plaque is that it can inhibit the in and outflow of the gastric and intestinal fluids, and interfere with proper digestion.
54. Mucoid plaque actually protects pathogens from what ever luminal attack we may wish to administer. Clinical studies have shown that pathogenic bacteria, such as E. coli, actually hide underneath the mucoid plaque and are completely separated from luminal contents.
55. Food must make contact with the 22 or more digestive enzymes that extrude from the epithelium and out through the glycocalyx. However, this is not happening with the vast majority of people in the Western World, because of the layer or layers of mucoid plaque.
56. Mucoid plaque is a normal by-product of unnatural acids or toxic stimulation.
Digestive System
57. The bowel feeds every organ, every tissue, every cell in our bodies and when the quality of feeding from the digestive system is contaminated or of poor quality, the cells and organs in the rest of the body will also be of poor quality. A toxic bowel means toxic blood and lymph, toxic organs and cells, and toxic function.
58. All physiological, chemical, and anatomical processes in every cell and organs in our bodies are completely dependent upon the digestive system.
Steps in Overcoming Disease
59. The first step in overcoming disease is to put a stop to its cause. This should always begin by eliminating the source of the habits and acts of creating negative thoughts and feelings which are the original cause of disease.
60. The second step is the most important of all, and that is to seriously and enthusiastically practice appreciation, joy and Love - for all life unconditionally. Love, peace, harmony, gratitude, and praise trigger positive hormonal and nerve influences - expanding the life, energy, and light in the body, bringing vitality and happiness. For these states of consciousness purify and strengthen the life force within us.
61. The third step toward overcoming disease is to remove congestion and toxins from the body, mind, and emotions. These toxic substances have lodged deep within our bodies.
62. The fourth step toward perfect health of the body is to stop eating "foods" that are dead, deficient, processed or toxic, for they cause mucus, excess acid, more toxins, and congestion.
63. The fifth step toward lasting health is to supply the body with the needed elements of organically grown foods, clean air, pure water, alkaline minerals, and massive doses of Love and joy.
64. The sixth step is to rebuild the body's organs and glands. This means to rebuild the digestive function after we have cleansed it, and to cleanse and rebuild the liver, kidneys, spleen, and the glandular system. It means also to strengthen the heart, lungs, and muscles.
65. The seventh step is to exercise on a regular basis.
66. And, third, now We know just how far you are willing to go to purify yourself. That! will be your greatest benefit." Saint Germain
67. The liver is one of the keys in getting well. We must remove as many of the toxins as we can, the more the better, as quickly as possible, and without over-burdening the already over-burdened liver and - I must add - the kidneys too.
68. We attack our own bodies principally by eating the wrong foods and generating stressful emotions which alter our internal environment.
69. The entry of an outside entity (bacteria, virus, parasite) usually has little effect upon our bodies unless our internal environment has become acidic and polluted.
70. Disease is never acquired. It is always earned. Disease is a natural result obtained from an unnatural lifestyle. Disease is not a question of exposure. It is an internal development which can lead to exposure susceptibility.
71. Each cell in the body has the intelligence to grow an entirely new body, and it doesn't matter whether the body is 2 years old or 120, the cells always know what to do. Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to make certain our bodies have the material it and cleanliness it needs to do its job.
72. All life on our planet depends upon a specific environment for survival. Including germs.
73. We must alter our normal healthy internal environment before germs can survive.
74. Our negative feelings are the kinks that produce every undesirable experience that we have ever had or ever will have in our lives. Indeed, we reap what we sow.
75. How is it that the slow deterioration of old age occurs with almost everyone? For, over 90% of our bodies are completely renewed in less than a year.
76. We do this by maintaining the positive consciousness during the cleansing process and allowing the old negative consciousness to be released without judgment. For it is the judgment that binds them to the new cells.
77. Any time we cleanse, it is essential to keep our attention upon the things we want rather than the thing we do not want - the thoughts, feelings, and habits that move us toward perfect health, vitality, success, and love.
78. It is through cleansing and later fasting, that we can quickly remove the physical accumulation which has anchored various mental and emotional blockages.
79. The most vital, most important part of all is to see, feel, and act as though our goals are complete - now!
80. You see the subconscious mind has already created our life to be the way it is now, because we programmed it to be that way.
Sayings From Misc. People
1. "We become that upon which we put our attention...God if thou seest God, dust if thou seest dust."
2. “As everything is impermanent, fluid and interdependent, how we act and think inevitably changes the future. There is no situation, however seemingly hopeless or terrible, such as a terminal disease, which we cannot use to evolve.”
- Sogyal Rinpoche
3. "For this is the great error of our day, that physicians separate the soul from the body.”
- Plato
4. “Called or not called, God shall be there.”
- Erasmus
5. "Every tissue is fed by the blood, which is supplied by the bowel. When the bowel is dirty, the blood is dirty, and so on to the organs and is the bowel that invariably has to be cared for first before any effective healing can take place."
- Doctor Bernard Jensen, DC, ND, Ph.D.
6. “There is but one disease and that is deficient drainage.”
- Sir Arbuthnot Lane MS, FRCS, surgeon for the King of England
7. "I am exceedingly impressed by the sequence of cancer and intestinal stasis."
- Sir Arbuthnot Lane MS, FRCS, surgeon for the King of England
8. "Of the 22,000 operations that I have personally performed, I have never found a single normal colon, and of the 100,000 that were performed under my jurisdiction, not over 6% were normal.
- Dr. Harvey Kellogg, M.D. of the Kellogg Sanitarium
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